Monday, November 21, 2011

"A truly thankful person is a person truly at peace." Lysa Terkhuerst

Over the years, I've proven the above statement to be true time and time again. When I realize that I'm not at peace, sometimes I can trace that lack of peace to a lack of thankfulness. With this being Thanksgiving week, naturally our minds and hearts are turned towards thankfulness. So, today I am thankful for:
Lessons learned, not only about thankfulness, but other topics as well. God has been
patiently working with me over the last few weeks, showing and teaching me things
He wants me to know. And I'm thankful for his patience. If it had been anyone else
working with me, that person would have started a prison ministry by now (because
they finally had it with me, knocked me upside the head, and was arrested for assault
and battery.)

I'm thankful for second chances. and third, fourth, tenth and "seven times seventy."
Because I need at least that many - probably more.

My Thanksgiving commitment is to develop and maintain an "attitude of gratitude." Why don't you join with me this year to make thanksgiving last all year long?


Heidi Chiavaroli said...

I will join you, Edwina!

And thank you for making me laugh this morning. Happy Thanksgiving!

Edwina said...

Thank you, Heidi!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!