Friday, November 18, 2011

Checkin' In

It has been six days (that's all? seems like 60) since I posted that I was going to spend 30 days asking God what I should do each morning. I don't know if this is a testimony to how crazy busy I am or if it's the beginning of Alzheimer's. As soon as I closed my computer after making that pledge and inviting you to join with me, I forgot about checking with God for my daily tasks. Never. thought. about. it. again. Until today.  I think I will put post-it notes all around my house as reminders:

                    DON'T FORGET!!


Then, I'll have to leave more post-it notes to remind me of what I need to remember!

My new 30-day period begins tomorrow!


Sandra Ardoin said...

LOL! Know what you mean about the notes, Edwina.

Heidi Chiavaroli said...

LOL I've done that before Edwina!