Saturday, May 19, 2012

Book Review: God Loves Broken People

In God Loves Broken People, Sheila Walsh brings a message of hope to all of us. Because at one time or another, all of us have been broken and in need of that message.

From the introduction, titled “It’s Okay Not to be Okay” to chapters such as “I’m Not Waving, I’m Drowning,” “Fierce Love and Halloween Grace” and “Only the Wounded Can Serve” we are bombarded with the fact of God’s boundless, extravagant love for us and we are comforted with reminders of His grace and mercy.

From the back cover: “…Sheila Walsh shows how personal brokenness can open doors of intimacy with Jesus Christ that might never open in any other way. It’s not that God loves broken people more than those who imagine themselves to be whole—it’s simply that they know they are loved. They dare to believe it…and through such trust, a new wholeness emerges from yesterday’s broken pieces.”

This book is an excellent resource for pastors and counselors and should hold a prominent place on their bookshelves. More importantly, it is a must-read for the broken. Its message of healing will bring comfort and hope.                                                                                                              

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