Tuesday, November 29, 2011

"Untangling Christmas"

Does the very thought of Christmas invoke a severe case of the “Yuletide Yikes!”? Do you long for a cozy, reflective time centered on Christ, instead of a frenzied blur of holiday activities? Armed with strategies to simplify and de-stress, as well as tons of doable ideas and delicious recipes, Karen and LeAnn have put together a wonderful resource to help you feel blessed, not stressed!
This practical go-to guide will empower you to:
  • Evaluate your current seasonal strategies (or lack there-of!) and identify re-occurring holiday hassles.
  • Set up a simple Christmas Planner designed to enable you to be on top of the holidays, rather than the other way around!
  • Acquire fast and frugal decorating tips and creative, but simple, gift-giving ideas.
  • Whip up delicious holiday foods – both the “from scratch” sort dear Grandma would have made and other simple, short-cut recipes for when time is tight
You can find "Untangling Christmas" by Karen Ehman and LeAnn Rice at major bookstores or order online through www.untanglingchristmas.org. But it for yourself as a Christmas gift from you to you.

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