Monday, February 28, 2011

It Might Be My Idea, But Maybe Not My Calling

If you read my blog on Saturday, February 19, you will know that once again, I’m going through a “deletion” process. I’ve listed everything I’m doing, committed to do, want to/should do and organizations to which I belong. And I’m praying, asking God what activities on the list He wants me to do and/or not do. I am waiting to hear from him and I will not add anything to that list until He says so.

In the past, I’ve opened the door to the need of making a list such as the one mentioned above. I will volunteer to do something before I even consider my schedule at that time, much less pray and ask God if I should volunteer. What really gets me in trouble is seeing a true need, especially within the church, developing great ideas for that need (need = ministry) and presenting those ideas to the pastor or perhaps the Board. Can I just say here that when you do that, you inherit said ministry? Here are at least a few reasons why this is so wrong:

1. I didn’t pray first (or enough), asking God whether or not He was calling me to be the person to develop ideas and present them to the Board.

2. In moving ahead of God in this matter, I’m moving, developing and presenting in my own strength. And once I “own” that need or ministry, I’m definitely working in my own power – such as it is – and strength.

3. By stepping ahead of God regarding this need or ministry, I’ve just taken the role that He had selected someone else to do. Thus, I’ve deprived that person from answering God’s call and being blessed as a result. And I’m stil doing something that God didn’t tell me to do.

4. I didn’t pray first (or enough) asking God whether or not He was calling me to fulfill this need.

5. Did I mention I didn’t pray enough??

I share all of this today as a reminder to myself – don’t do this again!! Hopefully it will help you who read it. God plainly states in Jeremiah 29:11 that He has “plans for our future and hope.” In his timing, He will show you those plans. He will give you the roadmap, showing you every mile marker to those plans. And when you arrive, you will be blessed. Don’t move ahead of Him. Just wait. Listen. Obey.


Sandy said...

I always feel like that's my life verse, Edwina. I love it!

Edwina said...

Yes, that's my favorite verse, too!