Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I remember the day as if it were yesterday. Physically, I had felt great all week long. I had more energy than I'd had in a long time. My house was clean, dinner cooking in the oven. It was two days after Halloween and my husband was taking down the Halloween decorations. (This was before we realized the connotations of Halloween - another blog for another time.) I Iaid down to rest and my water broke! Finally, after nine months of (im)patiently waiting, my baby was coming!

After quite a few hours of labor, Kimberly Anne Bond was born on November 3, 1978 - 31 years ago today. It has been an extremely fast 31 years!

Kim has grown into a beautiful woman - not just on the outside - but inside as well. People may not readily see this, but Kim has a deep compassion for the hurting and wounded. She understands where they're coming from.

She is an incredibly strong and courageous woman. Kim stands up for herself, her rights and the rights of others. She won't take any junk from anybody, but at the same time, if you're right, she will support you with everything she has. I wish I had an ounce of her courage.

Kim is a great mom! I would like to think she inherited her "mom skills" from me - but rather, I suspect her mom skills come from not doing what I did in raising her! :)

In case you haven't figured this out by now, I am incredibly proud of my daughter!

Kim, if I could have chosen who to have as a daughter, I would have chosen you! You are a delight and you have always brought me great joy! I know that God has great plans for you - listen and watch - He will show you.

Have a wonderful and blessed birthday!

I love you,

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