Thursday, September 10, 2009

My Portion by Martha Rogers

My guest blogger today is Martha Rogers. Martha is a fellow member of the American Christian Fiction Writers. She wrote this blog last week after a number of us shared our disappointment in not being able to attend next week’s annual conference. It has been edited slightly to be appropriate for all audiences (not just ACFW members).

Many thanks, Martha, for allowing me to reprint your great devotion!

My Portion
Martha Rogers

“Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.”
Psalm 16:5

So many times we find we may be discontented or unhappy about our circumstances. Finances, health, relationships, lack of confidence invade our lives and we find ourselves wondering just what is going on. The key to standing firm and being content in any and all situations is to refuse to let our present circumstances control or define where we are and who we are.

Chris Tiegreen says, “Contentment is the fruit of godly wisdom and a wonderful attitude to hold, and it begins with the certain knowledge of this verse, ‘Lord you have assigned me my portion.’”

To be content and satisfied in whatever circumstances we find ourselves is to know that we are where we are because God is sovereign. He puts us in the place where He knows we can grow in His love. Sometimes the path seems too long and too hard, but if we keep our eyes upward and hearts praising God, we will come to the end of path and find what He is leading us to is even better than what we had. If we trust Him, then we can know it will all end well.

Believe in the truth, cling to it, thrive on it and the result will be complete contentment in the Lord’s plan for our lives.

There is a reason why you are where you are whether by choice or circumstance, and it can be used for good. Pray for the opportunity to serve Him and let Him guide you to the path He wants you to take. Above all trust Him for His plan. It is for our good and not harm.

Heavenly Father, may we trust in You completely in the coming weeks and know that You have given us our portion, our cup. May we feel Your presence in a special way this week as we face those things that complicate our lives. Amen!

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