Friday, May 29, 2009

The Timing of God

Yesterday, my topic was "Wait on the Lord." When we wait on the Lord, usually we are waiting on Him to answer requests we have put before Him. The catch here is that God will answer those prayers in His timing, not ours.

We live in such a "microwave" society that anything that takes longer than just a few minutes, we think it's too long. Consider: we have drive-through restaurants, drive-through banks, drive-through car washes, drive-through pharmacies, and even drive-through grocery stores in some areas of the country. If we don't want to cook, we zap a frozen dinner in the microwave and PRESTO! dinner is served. Or we pick up a fully prepared meal at the deli. Don't get me wrong - I take advantage of all of these conveniences and will continue to do so. But my point is we are instantly gratified through these services and we have come to expect instant gratification from everything and everyone, including God. We think that as soon as we pray, the answer should be manifested. Oh, we may not go around spouting that thought out loud, but it's there.

God's timing has nothing to do with our instant gratification and everything to do with how we handle the wait. Do we wait in peace and expectation? (The word 'expectation' here means we are expecting - we believe - that God will answer.) Or do we fidget and fuss, frustrated at every little delay?

Waiting on God's timing gives us so many opportunities for growth and I believe this is one reason He wants us to wait.
  • We have the opportunity to grow in faith. As we wait for God's answer, we are trusting - growing in faith - that He will answer.
  • The testing of our faith as we wait, produces patience. (James 1:3)
  • Patience will "have its' perfect work, that we may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing" (James 1:4)
  • We grow in our relationship with God.
  • Our spiritual growth will be a witness to others.
  • The reward of receiving God's answer to our request will far surpass the trials of waiting.

Abba Father, I am waiting. I wait with faith, joy, and patience. I wait with hope - a heart of peace and expectation. Thank you for answers to my prayers that will be manifested in the future and for answers you have already given. Amen.

(c) 2009 Edwina E. Cowgill

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